ABM New Website Is Here, Enter… IF YOU DARE!

American Button Machines is pleased to announce the release of our new website, designed with a fresh new look, user-friendly navigation along with additional quantity discounts, shipping options and reduced shipping rates.

ABM New Website Announcement

We have taken significant time during the design process to think through not only how we do business, but, perhaps more importantly, WHY we do business. Everyone at ABM was involved in this evolution and the new website is just the beginning of our focus to improve user experience, streamline product delivery and educate button makers around the world.

Stay tuned online at www.AmericanButtonMachines.com as once again we are leading the pack with our soon to be released ABM Rebate Program. Keep checking back with us, 2014 is going to be a great year for making buttons!


Until next time, Happy Button Making!

American Button Machines Logo

By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

The end is nigh, buy button parts now!

Greetings Button Makers!

We have some oh so exciting news to share today and can hardly contain ourselves.  Over the last several months we’ve been analyzing your survey answers, emailed comments and online reviews.  All of our research led us to the conclusion that a NEW WEBSITE is in order. So out with the old and in with the new!

Keep Calm - New Website

We are hard at work putting the finishing touches on our new site and intend to launch somewhere between December 18th and 27th.  Once we flip the switch, our site will be unavailable for 24-48 hours.

So if you need any button making supplies, you may want to order them now instead of waiting for the rush.

Waiting for last minute Christmas gifts – order now!

Purchased a new machine and waiting until after Christmas to purchase accessories like pinbacks magnets or mirrors – order now!

Order button supplies now so you are not caught in the dark or in the mad rush when the lights come back on.

Of course you can always call us to place an order but we may experience (dare we say it) unusually high call volumes.

We will make another announcement when the new site is ready.  Stay tuned as we are rolling out some incredible new products and services in the next few weeks. The end is nigh but this is only the beginning; button making will never be the same…

Until next time, Happy Button Making!

American Button Machines Logo

By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…Ornaments!

ABM OrnamentDecorating the Christmas tree is a time-honored tradition much-loved by countless families across America and throughout the world. It is a wonderful experience to share with the entire family and brightens up houses for the entire month of December.

Over the years we’ve heard from many of you who wanted to make Christmas ornaments but were stumped as to how to achieve a useable, but pretty, end product. Ever aspiring to offer our customers innovative solutions, the wonderfully creative staff here at ABM has designed 2.25” and 3” Christmas Ornament Sets.

These sets include all the components needed to make a beautiful, double-sided ornament; you need only provide the graphic. And we’ve got you covered there, too – we offer several professionally designed Christmas and winter themed collages on the ABM Design Marketplace.





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National Button Day – November 16, 2013

Happy National Button Day! I bet you didn’t realize – in the midst of your Thanksgiving Day preparations and early Christmas shopping – another important holiday had snuck up on you. But it has. Yes, every November 16th is indeed our national day of making, celebrating and enjoying the wonderful world of buttons. And of course you just know that we cannot let an important day like this go by without recognizing it and providing a few suggestions for how to celebrate.

Suggestions for celebrating National Button Day:

1. Check out the ABM Design Marketplace:
We’ve partnered with artists from around the world to create ready-to-print designs for your button making projects. These widely varied offerings from our talented artists come in the four most popular sizes – 1”, 1.25”, 1.5” and 2.25”. Animal print? Got ‘em. Kids and babies? Yep, those too. Holiday themes? You bet. You’ll find something for everyone. They’re available for immediate download upon completion of payment, so start with 2 or 3 or 4 of these reusable collages and Happy Button Making!

2. Try something new:
What better timing than on National Button Day to try your hand at something new? Of the all the new items introduced over the last year or so, our Flashing Button Sets have generated the most buzz. They’ll make a great addition to the button ornaments you’ll be making for the upcoming holidays. Speaking of the holidays, Magneta Snap pendants are wonderful gifts. Stylishly designed, the button switches out quickly and easily, creating a different necklace for every day of the week.

3. Learn and Interact
If making something new doesn’t tickle your fancy on this most wonderful day of button celebration, perhaps finding a new button-related club or activity can stir up the old crafting passions once again.
The National Button Society has a wealth of information on its website. If one of these happens to be in your area, maybe you can meet up with other button lovers and swap stories and buttons.
Whatever you do on this wonderful holiday, we hope you enjoy it because the most important part of making buttons is to have fun while doing it!

By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

ABM Announces New Website and Special Button Making Systems

Greetings Button Makers!

American Button Machines is proud to announce the upcoming launch of our new and improved website. We have been hard at work updating the look, adding cool new features and expanding our product offerings.

As part of the update we’ve revamped our lineup of Pendant Specials. Each Pendant System Special & Machine Pendant Special now comes with 5 Magneta-Snap pendants and 5 Ceramic Magnets. So, if you’ve been contemplating a venture into the 1” market, the Professional System Pendant Special is a great way to get started. The best part is you can take advantage of these newly updated systems now.
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Free Shipping 1.25″ Pinback Button Sets

Hey Button Makers!  As promised, we are taking your promo code requests seriously and this week are offering free shipping* on 1.25” Pinback button sets (any package size up to 1,000)  when you also purchase one of our brand new, professionally designed collages.  Don’t miss out – call us now at 972-985-5074 as this fantastic offer will be limited to the first 100 callers.  Be sure to mention the super secret code:  I Love ABM Collages!

*shipped via US Mail to any US addressDigital-Collage-Horse









By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

Free Shipping on 2.25″ Button Machines from American Button Machines

Hey Folks – This week we are coming to you with a great offer! If you’ve been contemplating the purchase of a 2.25” button machine but have been deterred by the cost of shipping, then now is the time to buy. For a limited time, when you purchase a 2.25” button machine, along with one of our professionally designed collages, we will pay the ground shipping charges to anywhere in the United States!


2.25" Button Machine









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