Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Build-a-Button,
Happy birthday to you!!!
That’s right, the world’s most spectacular online button design center is turning one year old today. And it’s not doing so quietly.
We’re throwing Build-a-Button a birthday party, with gift bag goodies just for you!

And by gift bag goodies we mean that we are going to place the premium Build-a-Button app into the free button making software category for those who qualify.
To qualify, all you have to do is buy 1,000 button sets of any type! That means pinback buttons, keychains, magnets, mirrors…whatever floats your boat. You can mix and match quantities, and any size will do. As long as the order numbers 1,000 total you will get 30 days of Build-a-Button for free.
Important: Use promotion code “BAB” during checkout, and when your order ships we will include your double secret 30 day password on your invoice. (Promotion ends 10/31/2012; limit one per customer.)
For the uninitiated, that’s a $15.95 value.
And just look at all of the features and capabilities of the Build-a-Button application that you will be able to take advantage of:
It takes seconds to load and moves seamlessly.
Text-in-a-circle made a easy!
Upload multiple images up to 5MB in size.
Templates for all popular button sizes.
Layers allow for overlaying images and text.
The full spectrum of colors!
- Many pre-set shapes can be added with one click.
- Paint tool allows you to draw freehand.
We know you can’t possibly be as excited as we are about this Build-a-Button birthday and how far the app has come in its year of existence. But we do hope you’ll be excited about getting to try it out simply by picking up your next order of button supplies.
So get your pinback button sets and meet us over at Build-a-Button so we can start making some buttons!
Brighid Brown – Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM