Customer Spotlight: Christmas Ornament Buttons from Custom Wrapz

Last week we told you all about ornament buttons, which are obviously all the rage during the holiday season. They are a great way to customize and personalize your Christmas tree with sentimental buttons you can easily make all on your own.

And wouldn’t you know it, just a few hours after we published that post one our awesome readers sent in pictures of the Christmas ornament buttons they had made.

The button ornaments pictured below come courtesy of our friends at And in our humble opinion, they are…fantastic!

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Announcement: Checkout With PayPal and Make NO Payments with NO Interest for 6 Months!

Are you one of many ABM customers who wants a new button machine for Christmas and wants to spread out your payments?

Our goal is to always do right by our customers. You know this.

So we are very excited to make this announcement today, which provides you yet another way to make shopping with ABM easier and more convenient.

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When the weather outside is frightful, button ornaments are delightful!

Decorating the Christmas tree is a time-honored and much-beloved by tradition by countless families across America and throughout the world. It is a wonderful experience to share with the entire family and brightens up houses for the entire month of December.

And guess what: we’ve got a way to make an already wonderful experience even better!

It’s true.

We suggest a slight alteration to your ornament strategy this year, but it’s not something that you can just run out to the store and buy – what would be the fun in that? Nope, we suggest making at least one but perhaps more of your own ornaments this year, and there is no better way to do just that than by making button ornaments!

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We’re Celebrating Build-a-Button’s Birthday With Free Goodies For YOU!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Build-a-Button,
Happy birthday to you!!!

That’s right, the world’s most spectacular online button design center is turning one year old today. And it’s not doing so quietly.

We’re throwing Build-a-Button a birthday party, with gift bag goodies just for you!



And by gift bag goodies we mean that we are going to place the premium Build-a-Button app into the free button making software category for those who qualify.

To qualify, all you have to do is buy 1,000 button sets of any type! That means pinback buttons, keychains, magnets, mirrors…whatever floats your boat. You can mix and match quantities, and any size will do. As long as the order numbers 1,000 total you will get 30 days of Build-a-Button for free.

Important: Use promotion code “BAB” during checkout, and when your order ships we will include your double secret 30 day password on your invoice. (Promotion ends 10/31/2012; limit one per customer.)

For the uninitiated, that’s a $15.95 value.

And just look at all of the features and capabilities of the Build-a-Button application that you will be able to take advantage of:

  • It takes seconds to load and moves seamlessly.
  • Text-in-a-circle made a easy!
  • Upload multiple images up to 5MB in size.
  • Templates for all popular button sizes.
  • Layers allow for overlaying images and text.
  • The full spectrum of colors!
  • Many pre-set shapes can be added with one click.
  • Paint tool allows you to draw freehand.

We know you can’t possibly be as excited as we are about this Build-a-Button birthday and how far the app has come in its year of existence. But we do hope you’ll be excited about getting to try it out simply by picking up your next order of button supplies.

So get your pinback button sets and meet us over at Build-a-Button so we can start making some buttons!

Brighid Brown – Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

Campaign Buttons Are Sexy … And We Have Indisputable Proof!

Fact: George Clooney was once the recipient of People Magazine’s prestigious honor of “Sexiest Man Alive.”

Fact: George Clooney was featured in a Parade Magazine article wearing a jacket decorated with a plethora of vintage campaign buttons.


Thus, by making liberal use of the transitive property, we can conclude that campaign buttons are the sexiest buttons alive.

So what are you waiting for? Check out one of our sexy campaign button maker kits!


Brighid Brown – Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

Customer Spotlight: Chicago Love, Lobsters Again, and Fundraising Fun!

It’s that time…time for another ABM Customer Spotlight!

If you didn’t know, we enthusiastically encourage any and all Button Blog visitors to submit their favorite buttons to us for display here in the Customer Spotlight. You can submit your buttons by clicking here.

In this edition, we have three compelling buttons to place in the spotlight.

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Photo Button Diary: One Fan’s AC/DC Devotion Will Rock You…Like a Hurricane

During a recent vacation, the Grand Poobah of American Button Machines had the opportunity to stop by the Experience Music Project (EMP) museum in Seattle. You may be wondering what a music museum has to do with buttons, but it won’t take you very long to find out.

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The Best Button Makers For Schools? Ours!

Much to the chagrin of kids across the country, school is back in session.

And while this has a number of ramifications for teachers and parents – new schedules to adhere to, new lessons to plan, new student-teacher dynamics to navigate through – there is one that you might not yet have considered:

You need a button machine.

Specifically, you need the best button makers for schools – kits tailored, in fact, just for the needs of schools.

And luckily for you, we know just where to send you to get one!

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ABM Video Series: How to Make Versa-Back Buttons

It is with tearful eyes and a plaintive heart that I come to you today.

You may be wondering, why? How could one be immersed in the wonderful world of buttons and yet filled with and overwhelming sense of sadness?

Well I will tell you: we have now reached the end of our ABM Video Series.

I know, I know. Here, have one of these.

I realize that we all wanted the joy and inspiration of the video series to go on forever; but alas, as they say, all good things must come to an end.

So let’s all compose ourselves and give our full, undivided attention to the latest and great, the last but not the least, the fun final finale…yes, ladies and gentleman, the versa-back button.

More specifically, how to make one.

By now you know the drill. The video is embedded below and we have taken the liberty of also including step-by-step directions for you to follow. All of our machines and suggested procedures are simple and easy to follow, but we leave nothing to chance or to the imagination.

So enjoy embarking on your final journey in the ABM Video Series. We shall miss her once she’s gone, but just remember that you can always visit her again with this link.

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