Comparing the Circle Cutters – Which One is Right For You?

Choices, choices, choices.

When it comes to choosing a cutter for your button making project, you certainly do have choices.

Today, we are going to help you make the right circle cutter choice by analyzing the three top-of-the-line cutters we offer at America Button Machines: the adjustable rotary cutter; the punch cutter; and, the high volume die-cutting press.

We’ll go one-by-one discussing the features of each cutter, as well as what it is best for. Match this up against the specifics of your project and it will help you to to make the best decision possible.

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Fabric Button How-To Series: The Many Varied Uses of Fabric-Covered Buttons

One of the growing trends in monogramming and embroidery is the use of fabric-covered buttons as an accessory for a number of items, from clothing to purses to shoes. Many small embroidery shops have begun to offer a selection of fabric buttons, including custom monogrammed buttons. With a professional grade button machine, a small embroidery shop can quickly expand its product offering with a fun and versatile fabric button that has a number of uses. This post is the second in our week-long series on fabric buttons.

Yesterday, we gave you a brief introduction to fabric buttons and discussed a few pointers for choosing the right fabric. In today’s post, we will discuss the wide variety of uses for fabric-covered buttons that can easily be made with the right equipment, like your own professional button machine.

The Many Varied Uses of Fabric-Covered Buttons

Most button making machines are manufactured to produce pinback buttons using regular printer paper. Fabric is a completely different type of material than paper. It is important to have a button maker calibrated properly to accommodate for the challenges in making a button out of fabric material. Proper calibration ensures the fabric button machine will produce consistent quality buttons throughout its life.

With a little creativity and the right equipment, an embroidery business can expand their offering of fabric-covered buttons and sell a large variety of novelty buttons with a number of different applications. After cutting the fabric to a specific size with our Circle Cutter or Fabric Cutting Press,  a number of different options such as the type we offer on our website, can be pressed onto the back of the button to make several different products.

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Recommendations for Mobile Button Making and Button Machine & Supplies Carrying Case

You’ve got your button machine. You’ve got your button parts and supplies. You’ve got your paper cutter. You’ve even got your graphics printed and ready to go.

But you’ve got a problem: you’re going to a friend’s house, or a school, or a craft fair to make your buttons, and you have no idea how to conveniently and efficiently transport your button machine and supplies.

Well, wouldn’t you know it, we have a recommendation for how you can best solve this problem!

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Circle Cutters Make the (Button) World Go Round

What is the best friend of a button maker?

We suppose that is a difficult question to answer, with many possibilities. Some people might say that their button machine wins the prize, while others might say that there would be no prize without button supplies. But, just for your eyes, is another opinion for you to surmise…

Maybe the circle cutter – yes, the circle cutter – is actually a button maker’s best friend.

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Helping Customers (even in Canada!) One Circle Cutter at a Time

Nothing makes us happier than knowing that one of our products saved someone money, helped them create a memorable item, or generally just made their life a little bit better.

As we get ready to ramp back up again after another wonderful holiday season, we want to share with you a recent email that we received from one of our customers who reached out to us after being pleasantly surprised by how much time and money he saved with our Econo Circle Cutter.

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